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Spooky Walk & Crush

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A fast-passed, spooky Halloween-themed match 3 game that involves the player walking in order to unlock the levels. Levels contain Halloween-themed pieces like bloody axes, graves, spooky pumpkins, witch cauldrons, etc. and the game involves the player finishing a level within limited times or moves.


This was a solo university project made within a month. We had to deploy a game on mobile for this project and I planned on making Halloween-themed match 3 (as it was made during Halloween season) in which the player walks and unlocks the level.

My role :

Programming & designing the whole game as me being the only developer

Game elements :

  1. Board

  2. Pieces

  3. Blank tiles

  4. Breakable tiles

  5. Row and Column bombs

  6. Color bombs

  7. Score and goal manager

  8. End game manager

  9. Step counter

Planning game mechanics :


Planning game levels :


Final game levels :

Screenshot_20211119-023725_Loc based match 3.jpg
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Screenshot_20211119-024153_Loc based match 3.jpg

Walkthrough & design discussion :

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